Chandler Anderson for Maury County
School Board District Four

Kids Today, Peers Tomorrow

Chandler Anderson has proven his dedication to the Maury County community repeatedly. Whether it is leading the way in diagnosing the first cases of COVID in our community by doing house calls when most offices closed, urging the Maury County School Board to place a nurse in each school, or defending the rights of each citizen to live their life as they see fit, Chandler has proven himself to be an advocate for the citizens of Maury County.

Chandler is running for school board to achieve four main goals: expand vocational education, develop programs to teach our students basic life skills, support teachers by promoting their independent practice in the classroom, and make schools safer by providing kids with the resources they need to deal with difficult emotions, which often lead to adverse behaviors.

With so much talk about charter schools and voucher programs, Chandler wants to focus on why parents are seeking out these options. As a graduate of public schools in Marshall County, Chandler is certain we can improve the quality of education in our public schools so parents feel good about the education their child is receiving, feel heard when they have concerns, and feel confident their child has been given the life skills they need to be successful adults when they graduate.

We must prepare our students to be successful adults. Our students today will be our coworkers tomorrow. We will either have to train them on the job to do basic tasks such as alphabetizing and calculations, or we can empower our phenomenal teachers to do those things now so that students can be successful as adults.






On August 1, 2024, vote for Chandler Anderson
for Maury County School Board – District Four